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We're going green

#For a better future

FieraMesse on the road to sustainability

What we think, say and do every day to become the greenest fair in Italy

Our job is to bring together supply and demand in a productive sector. We want the way we do this to be the most sustainable in Italy. To achieve this ambitious goal we set for ourselves, every day we take an extra step to reach it. Think sustainable, talk sustainability and act accordingly.

From where have we started? From our facility and our everyday work. Here are some of the steps we have already taken. Proud to be #FieraMesse!

100% use of green energy
-156 t of CO2 without carpeting
1,2 mio. KWh year produced by solar panels
15,000 bees in our hive
Thomas Mur
Domenique Hopfgartner
André Consolati
Alessandro Pizzo

Our promise? To become the greenest fair in Italy!

Thomas Mur

Director FieraMesse

For my family, the switch to electric mobility was a logical consequence: the advantages in terms of comfort, but also the economic aspects and of course the environmental factor made it very easy for us to switch from a classic vehicle with a combustion engine to a fully electric car.

Domenique Hopfgartner

Coordinator Brand & Communication

I always use public transport to get to work in order to reduce the environmental impact.

André Consolati

Brand Manager

To be more sustainable and to protect the environment, I use my bike
every day to come to the fair.

Alessandro Pizzo

Graphics & Production
Vivien Lambacher

The motivation for my choosing to take the train to work is not only one of environmental consciousness, but also one which allows me to take full advantage of this time to complete small, non-work related errands and thus being able to fully relax at home.

Vivien Lambacher

Project Manager


  • our connection to the waste-to-energy plant in Bolzano Sud allows us to receive hot water for heating and cooling our facilities;
  • our photovoltaic roof on the exhibition pavilion is almost as big as a football field (6958 m²) with a maximum output of 1MW;
  • our solar panels produce around 800,000 KWh of energy per year, of which about half is consumed by us while with the remainder, statistically speaking, we could supply a small village of about 300 people;
  • our electric car charging points - 7 in total, 2 of them ultra-fast and all of them utilising the photovoltaic energy of our roof;
  • our Service Centre has a 500 m² green roof, which reduces the heat in the building, retains dust, provides a better microclimate and is home to a colony of 15,000 bees which produce 15 kg of honey per year.

Recycling & prevention

  • 75% of the waste produced at the fair is collected separately;
  • waste water from brush washing or other set-up operations is collected in 3 tanks and treated separately before disposal;
  • for waste produced by visitors, there are 40 recycling bins in the district.
  • we have given up carpeting on the aisles, which is equivalent to 156 tonnes less of CO2 emitted each year;
  • no plastic for bottles, cutlery and disposable tableware from our official caterer and restaurant supplier GIKU;
  • during events, every evening a cooperative takes unsold (but still good) food from the bars and delivers it to those who need it most.

Do you also think that sustainability is an important value?

Write to tell us your green story or your suggestions to help us plan even more sustainable events!

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