BBB BioBuildingBlock
BBB srl is an innovative start-up, which has developed the bio-brick BioBuildingBlock, in wood and metal bars, which can house wood shavings or rock wool to increase the thermal and acoustic insulating properties.
Die Zukunft hat schon begonnen
Innovation ist ein Muss in jeder Branche - nachhaltiges Bauen macht hier keine Ausnahme. Und weil Startups Innovation von Beruf(ung)s wegen betreiben, haben wir gemeinsam mit unserem Partner Blum.Vision wieder 19 innovative Startups eingeladen, die im Sektor C ihre neuesten Produkte und Projekte präsentieren.
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BBB srl is an innovative start-up, which has developed the bio-brick BioBuildingBlock, in wood and metal bars, which can house wood shavings or rock wool to increase the thermal and acoustic insulating properties.
Isinnova - In our laboratory, we carry out technical tests and feasibility analyses, perform specific tests to identify the most suitable solutions and conduct studies on cutting-edge technologies.
Krill Design is a Milan-based innovative start-up and design studio, born in 2018 from the meeting of Ivan Calimani, former Expo Project Manager, and Martina Lamperti and Yack di Maio, 3D printing experts and former founders of a digital manufacturing hub.
MAARMO radiant marble powder radiant heaters are derived from exclusive production processes and dedicated, patented equipment.
Mixcycling - We believe that every waste, in order to become a new resource, must first be 'dreamed'. That is why, with specialised patents, we ennoble waste from industrial processing to give a new life to what would be thrown away.
Biodegradable design by Katharina Querbach.
Nextome is leader in indoor positioning. It localizes, guides and tracks users and asset with a simple to install, ready-to-use and low cost solution.
PlayWood produces furniture components and accessories for the home and workplace that are environmentally friendly, recyclable, and made from renewable sources. Designed according to ecodesign principles.
RElabs is the first company in Italy specialising in the development of digital platforms and blockchain-based business models for the real estate and construction sector, that can cut costs, simplify procedures, or increase the valuation of real estate.
Vaia creates everyday objects from timber felled by the October 2018 storm, creating a sustainable business.
WASH4GREEN has developed a system for washing cars with 100% environmentally friendly waterless products. The vehicle will stay cleaner for longer than a traditional water wash.
ZeroCO2 implements reforestation, afforestation, and tree planting projects in urban and non-urban areas in various places around the world, with the aim of preserving nature, but not only.
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